Monday, March 04, 2013

She Could Have Opted For The Red A

We're coming to you today from the Department of Righteous Indignation here in the marbled halls of IM Central. the DORI is a division of the As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap Company, a wholly owned subsidy of Jesus Loves Me Yes He Do, But He Don't Love People Like You, Inc.

Quite a bit has been written lately about in the theology of those professing to speak for the god of the universe and his Number One, J Rule, so it's refreshing to see that, at least at one lonely outpost of all that is right and proper, the ramparts have not been abandoned to the forces of iniquity and debauchery.
In October, Teri James says her supervisor at San Diego Christian College called her to her office and got straight to the point: Was James pregnant? James, 29, of El Cajon, Calif., was indeed pregnant and she was also unmarried, a violation of school rules. She says she was fired because, as the termination letter included in the suit stated: “Teri engaged in activity outside the scope of the Handbook and Community Covenant that does not build up the college’s mission.”
"I'm up here channeling Cotton Mather while she's going home every night to the horizontal disco," said Dean of the College the Right Reverend  Buford T. Beauregard. "We had to do something. What do you think we are, Catholics?"

Whoa. Calm down there Reverend B. Nobody's calling you papists. First of all, this was heterosexual between consenting adults, right? What did the young harlot say when you confronted her?
Speaking by phone with her lawyer, Gloria Allred, James said she felt humiliated.
Her lawyer? Cripes, that can't be good. Bet you wish you'd taken President Obama's advice and let the wimmenz get at that contraception now don't you Rev?
San Diego Christian College did not respond to repeated requests for comment. The college has not responded to the suit.
 Yeah, well the pope tried that too and look where it got him. What's your next move?
After firing her, the school offered a job to her then-fiancé – they are now married – even though it was known that he, too, engaged in premarital sex.
 Oh sure, blame the guy. Like he's the one with the feminine wiles. Ever hear of Eve? Read your bible man, it's always the woman's fault.

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