Monday, December 28, 2009

On The Bright Side, You'll Have More Time To Argue For Intelligent Design

Ha! You just have to love an article that starts out:
Proponents of sex education classes that focus on encouraging teenagers to remain virgins until marriage are hoping...
Yeah, well that's sort of been the problem all along hasn't it?
"We're optimistic," said Valerie Huber of the National Abstinence Education Association, which is lobbying to maintain funding for the programs. "Nothing is certain, but we're hopeful."
Oh we beg to differ, Ms. Huber. Since your programs have been enacted, one thing is certain:
Teen pregnancies rose in the United States for the first time since 1991, the National Institutes of Health reported. The report comes after a spate of high-profile teen pregnancies: that of 17-year-old TV star Jamie Lynn Spears, who recently gave birth to a daughter, as well as the pregnancies of numerous students at Gloucester High School in Massachusetts.
Bristol Palin anyone? Anyone? Levi?
As part of Obama's first budget, Congress approved a request for more than $110 million for a new "teenage pregnancy prevention" initiative that would only fund programs that have been "proven effective through rigorous evaluation," which would effectively eliminate abstinence programs.
Now don't go getting all sciency and stuff there Mr. President fancy guy who can read and write and stuff. Besides, we've got our own science book. It's called the bible. Right Ms. Huber?
Huber and other defenders disputed that studies had shown abstinence programs were ineffective. They argued that research had shown the programs were superior to comprehensive efforts when administered in the schools. "It's disingenuous to use data from a clinic-based setting and say it will be effective in school-based setting," she said.
Darn straight. Everybody knows the kids that come to clinics aren't the same kids that go to school.
Vernita Griffith, who runs the Youth Awake abstinence program in Raleigh, N.C., said her group is among those hoping their funding will continue. It is in the second year of what was supposed to be almost $500,000 in annual funding for five years to encourage teens to remain abstinent.
"How the heck am I going to get another job in an economy like this," Griffith said.

She has a point. Not much demand for professional scolds these days.


Anonymous said...

When you are "hoping" to "delay" teenagers from "having sex" and think 50 million or even 50 billion will "do it", that's WAY more than God ever expected.

Anonymous said...

"Delaying" teenagers from having sex still does not stop them from getting pregnant or getting diseases!
Incredible, the idiocy of the Bush administration and far right-wing hypocrites to even say these words let alone make their own children pay for it!
Do they even care that Palin's own daughter got knocked up and who knows if she does have a disease from Levi, as well? Who knows if she gave a disease to him!
Of course, "hear no evil, speak no evil, and do no evil" is only in the sheets according to Republican right wings.
Maybe they could all sincerely "delay" all of that.

Anonymous said...

Of course, the Bush Administration just loves to waste millions on anything that gets their own Politicians elected.
How many extreme Baptists, or extreme anything when it comes to excluding congregations, thumping their Bibles ,really believe in what they preach?
When you have half of the congregation uptight, gay and fooling around, you don't have to be Mrs. Sanford to get the message.
The American people have already gotten that.

Anonymous said...

Prosperity Preachers? It is an endless game of right wing crap!
Now , supposedly, Jesus Christ was wealthy. Right. Like he never had a horse, Never had armor, never had proper clothing to keep him warm but these "preachers" keep on coming and out of nowhere. Arizona, Texas, oh yeah...they are really all pretty good at it too...said, and of course, twistedly, when the "child" was born, he had a donkey to get there...(to a barn) and had even the "three gifts" from "the wise men"...well there are always people that can read and there are always people who cannot...and finally, the entire idea of God= Wealth always reminds us that behind every con is a game for money.
Extreme Religion. Extreme Right Wingers. All Crap.

Anonymous said...

50 million or 50 billion can be used to feed or to educate the poor "despised" like the Nigerian guy who claims there are more like him on their way to bomb American planes.
It is total insanity that "avoiding sex" will make you "holier" just as suicide bombers like this Nigerian was told he will be also "holier`' in a thousand blown up pieces.
Same thing. Same technique. All lies. All diversions. Because the people holding these "victims" and using these "dogs" claim this "Power" and this "Cash".
And these are the exact names of their "Gods".

Anonymous said...

Prosperity Preachers? The very title itself is ridiculous!
The only people attracted to that label are the ones who want money; not God.

Anonymous said...

"Terrorism" to put fear in your heart for a "god" or for a "country" or for a "philosophy" to hold the "power" is an old idea with a new ending.
Our World can now completely disappear because of just a few obsessed and evil leaders who want to play "Hop Scotch" or "Kick the Can".
Unfortunately, children will always be children.
But when they start to play "hide the tooth" for some make believe "fairy", what's "under the pillow" could really be nuclear arms.

Anonymous said...

Its not just pregnancy. Teenage Girls are on the fastest growing demographic for categories of people newly infected with HIV/AIDs.

"The Chicago Tribune on Tuesday examined the "growing threat" of HIV/AIDS among young women in the United States. According to a recent federal study, 64% of new HIV cases between 1999 and 2002 occurred among women, the majority of whom were girls ages 13 to 19, the Tribune reports. "Young people aren't getting the right messages and they suffer from the myth of invulnerability, very prevalent among 14- to 19-year-olds," Lisa Henry-Reid, chair of the division of adolescent and young adult medicine at Stroger Hospital in Chicago, said."


"A 2003 Kaiser Family Foundation study of adolescents and young adults showed that one in four young people contract a sexually transmitted disease annually."

I wish these morons, these professional scolds would take a long walk off a short pier.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember the name of the Nigerian just nailed for trying to blow up that American plane...maybe Umar...but there are millions more just waiting behind the "security screens" to get is exactly the same scenario as the far right Republican right with their sexual rigidity (not to mention the 100% submission the Pope demands) and all their perverse rules and "regulations" forcing people to "submit" to their own "ideals" ad they are indeed only "their" ideals...because it is called "controlling".
"Controlling" to force an issue by means of whacking out the free ideas of speech and desires and ambitions and natural and human curiosities, because it means populations would not even recognize let alone "want" people like all these extreme sickos to "rule" them.
So these "perverse leaders" pretend to have "holier" qualities in order to "guide" the people. But what it is and exactly means, is they do want full access to your ordinary and healthy wishes to merely "live" and live without guilt.

Anonymous said...

OK. The storm is brewing and for years.
The poverty and corruption and access to all the unprotected nuclear arms are all over the place. On ships, in trucks , on airplanes and even DOGS!
But what this particularly Nigerian has just exemplified is the very fact that the rich are teaming now with the poor, and from all countries because they do have access to the parents that ignored the plight of some of their friends who were poor or even ignored their own children who wanted a better world and got ignored or sent away to boarding schools so they wouldn't ask anymore questions and they wouldn't make that generation feel badly about sticking it to the dying and the dead due to poverty and to killing the very people who helped clean and set their tables.
Somalia, filled with the very corrupt and the extreme and violent bandits , have absolutely no
qualms about going after those that took them down to Hell and for decades.
A kidnapping, a blowing up of vessel or merely stocking their arsenals by ripping off those very people who make a ton of money selling them and using them, on people just like them, well, this Storm is not going to end until We, the People, who elect these Thugs, get Damned.