Which brings us to the overlords at Twin River.
Now wait a minute, Ironicus, you're thinking, didn't that track go bankrupt? How can that be an example of good planning, flexibility and stuff.
See, that just shows how poor of an overlord you would make because this whole bankruptcy thing plays right into the overlords' scheme.
The owners of the Twin River slot parlor have looked at operating their own dog kennel as a way to cut costs on the state-mandated greyhound racing required at the Lincoln gambling venue, according to federal court filings. However, they favor a cheaper contract with private kennels to provide enough dogs to run 8 to 10 races a day, four days a week.Ha! You're feeling pretty embarrassed right now aren't you, with your bankruptcy can't be a good thing for profitability and all, huh? Just when it looks like the overlords have dug themselves a hole they can't get out of, Blammo! They snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
Neither of those options would make money for the slot parlor owners, BLB Investors LLC. They would simply lose less cash than they do now hosting races in conjunction with the Rhode Island Greyhound Owners Association.Brilliant, no? It's just a matter of time until money rains down like...wait a minute, what was that?
Twin River operator UTGR Inc. is seeking permission from a judge in U.S. Bankruptcy Court to bring in a new slot-parlor operator within 120 days under the terms of an agreement with its bankers and slash the amount of money it spends to host greyhound racing. "Greyhound racing is a very profitable business except when you have to race greyhounds," said a spokesperson for UTGR.Yeah. It's beginning to look that way, huh Billy?

They are all Garbage!
"...you have to be ready to jump on an opportunity or avoid a pitfall..."
Something like John Parker, Alabama-Texas,
on the Greyhound Lists.
If this entire "production"," scheming", scenarios of "fraud", "missing Greyhounds"," drugging Greyhounds", "live baiting" Greyhounds, "executing and torturing" Greyhounds, hundreds of millions of dollars "lost" with "mathemetical errors", and on and on and on, ......being "hoodwinked" is never a "bestseller" unless it is on screen with Hollywood. (And you have to have one hell of a Director to make sure you catch every inch of action, above and below the ground.
Isn't this the THIRD miserable trip to "the CAN" with "Doug Pisser"?
"Mr. Pisser"....kindly ........
Had a LOT to say to John Parker today. But hey! I'm flexible too.
So, we're just dealing with one more
" MR. STFU"?
All these re-runs and all these "Big Dummies".
I like to go for "The Big Cheese."
But I can wait.
Because I am "a Rat ".
That spokesperson, PIZZER, for the "Industry" of the "Protection of Animals"?
Doug Pisser?
I went to school with a "Doug Pisser"!
Where is he now?
I heard he is a Butcher.
Not the Doug Pisser I knew.
The Doug Pisser I knew was called" The Barfer Snarfer" because he was also known as the "Boozer Loozer".
God only knows where my Doug Pisser is.
Unless of course he's in the "Greyhound Industry." Which would probably make perfect sense.
Computers are not my thing but if Doug has his name as "SLACK", well there we go!
He evades work; he shirks responsibility; he is careless and is just mooching off of Greyhounds' backs.
You see...even HE knows it!
"Protection of Working Animals"?
"Slack"....you are "whack"!
IM, when are you going after John Parker?
Can you give us a date?
Doug is so uninteresting.
Leave IM alone. He is playing with Parker.
(Like Parker does to the poor Greyhounds.)
Let John Parker sweat .
It's the Name of the Game.
I have full faith in "the Man".
These guys are the ones you have to throw out of a Bar at 3 a.m. They just want a free party, non-stop and don't want to go home. They cause damages and huge messes. Of course, they like fist fights, too.
And they won't give up until the cops come.
These people give themselves titles and really try to make you believe them. ("Protection for Working Animals")
Kind of like all the "saves animals" and "Mike USA's".
Typical that they go after something that can't talk and therefore, can't speak of the utter tyranny and pitiful existence the Greyhounds are being put through.
15,000 dead? With Tomblin alone, God only knows. And Doug sure isn't counting.
Doug isn't counting because Doug can't count.
John Parker can count but he is not counting dead dogs. That's the last thing on his mind. Right John?
Let's have a guessing game.
What is John Parker counting?
I say John Parker is counting how many people he has angered on the Greyhound Lists.
These people have been "traumatized" by John and they will never forget how he either publicly embarassed them in front of everybody, or scared them to death, privately, with emails.
Johnny Boy has a way with words.
Do I win a prize?
Am I close?
I get the feeling John Parker is merely counting money.
The fact he has spread into Texas, he is very motivated and maybe has some "push and shove" from the power punchers. (now, who could that be?)
So, I say he is counting dollars. He has a voracious appetite for it. The money is almost a mindless need.
That is why he is very aggressive on the Greyhound Lists.
I'm wondering if John Parker can count how many Jewish friends he has.
You know we all have to ask ourselves something.
For John Parker to be so aggressive, isn't that something like Rush?
There are certain medications to make you get loopy .
It all depends.
I say he is trying to count how many times he bounced himself off the wall.
In my opinion, he is trying to calculate how many dogs, total, he has killed by over-heating and heart attacks, just like Martin Roper said.
So, how many times did he try to "shock" Greyhounds back to life and how many times was he unsuccessful?
In other words, John Parker, Alabama-Texas, how many Greyhounds have you killed for your "enjoyment"?
And just as an added treat, do you love the feel of the "zapper" and the Greyhounds living or dying at your whim?
Loaded question, we know but you are a "loaded" kind of guy.
June 12 was NOT a good Blog for Martin Roper. But as someone has said, it shows you that there is a lot of human ugliness in the Racing Industry as well in that people do not like certain people maybe because of their "techniques" or the racial divide.
Look at "Chris Carpenter". He may be as horrible as all the rest but he says he is not into the "KKK" and sounds like he is condemning those that are as well as those being against black people. and even Jews. It seems he, once again, points us into the South, like Roper, and says they , from the North, are basically not as vile as some other people.
Well, we know John Parker is from the South. We know just being from Texas and Alabama gives you a huge lead in that kind of "thinking". My point is this:
There are people talking who are outright furious with the Racing Businesses, because of scams, or bilking or Tri-State. But what is also inevitable, is that there ares some real divisions going on among the North and the South, be it financial, "religious", or geographical and the structuring of Greyhound Racing is no longer concrete and unshakable.
In short, the "organizations" are falling apart and anger due to greed started it.
I want to know more about this John Parker.
Got a question for the IM group.
Planes have normally ONE defibrillator for about 300-500 people. (And it was a big deal to get ONE per airplane!) And by the way, heart disease happens....particularly after age 50.
Now, along comes this JOHN PARKER of ALABAMA -TEXAS involved with GREYHOUNDS who states specifically that he is NOT into the RACING INDUSTRY and so, tries to separate himself from all the hell the dogs are being put through. (Wonderful John...except.....)
WHY is John Parker making sure his dogs are not only skinny,( like in "starved"), but he also , and INTENTIONALLY, and WITHOUT A CONSCIENCE,
keeps TWO (2!) defibrillators on hand . When I read that last week ,I just collapsed from "awe" that such an arrogant and obviously "out of control" Southerner who pretends to be uninvolved in harming Greyhounds, is actually quite "thrilled" in these ugly luring games with the dogs and actually HARMING GREYHOUNDS!. TWO defibrillators! What a sick S.O.B.!
I am still gasping with the devices for his "games"! IM, you have just got to set us straight on this ignoramus. This is cruelty and this is punishable and so, why is HE not in jail for hurting and causing injury to Greyhounds? They are young dogs and are obvviously over-excited intentionally and IN THE HEAT!
How can he say he respects these beautiful dogs and does this to them?
"Mr. Parker! Mr. Parker!"
"Your Table is Ready!"
Got a quote from John Parker, 2007....
"Liars rarely answer questions."
We know that John.
And that is why we are all still waiting on you.
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