Or maybe they're as good with their investments as the folks at Lehman Brothers, AIG, Washington Mutual. You know, all those people who went to college for that stuff. At least the overlords can fall back on their basic ignorance when things go wrong. As they often do.
Three greyhounds were rescued after they were found tied to a truck without food and water in the hot sun, the nonprofit American European Greyhound Alliance announced through its Guam contact, Dave Davis. "When I contacted the owner, he said the dogs were guarding the truck, and he had been planning to come and take care of them but had forgotten where he parked." Davis told reporters.
The alliance stated there's been an increase in the number of greyhounds surfacing in the community, and some of the dogs have shown signs of neglect and/or abandonment. "Well, just because the dogs are emaciated, flea ridden and tick infested doesn't mean they've been neglected or abandoned," said one track representative who asked to remain nameless. "That's the kind of treatment they get at the track."
Oh we beg to differ Mr. Overlord sir. At the track the units...er...dogs receive the finest care under the watchful eye of trained veterinarians, right Janet Forrer and Susan Via?
Opponents of greyhound racing in Tucson have filed complaints with the state against veterinarians who monitor the dogs at Tucson Greyhound Park. The complaints claim that Andrew Carlton, the Arizona Department of Racing veterinarian, and track vets Betty Menke and Paul Pullen are in violation of the Veterinary Practice Act. "Hey, we showed up sober," Carlton said when told of the complaint. "Well, most of the time anyway. What do you want from us?"
Some of the alleged violations include:
• Steroids being administered by people other than the dual-licensed vets, who are the only ones authorized to do so.
• Track vets turning a blind eye to the steroid injections that are clearly in violation of the act, either because of "negligence or indifference."
• Lack of records outlining the drugs or treatments given to the animals, which should be submitted to the Arizona Department of Racing.
• Lack of oversight by Carlton, who, as state racing veterinarian, should be supervising the track vets' practices.
• Pullen not notifying the Veterinary Medical Examining Board of a change of address, or having a listed phone number. The last two practices where Pullen worked have disconnected telephone numbers.
"Wait, we're supposed to oversee stuff?" Carlton said. "I thought we just killed dogs who got hurt. Nobody said anything to me about overseeing stuff. And who's this Pullen person anyway?"
Details, details, details, huh Alice.

It's amazing to me that a $500 fine gets you off the hook with a 60 day suspension...seems to me that ASPCA in the North , working with cops in New York, etc., get minimum $1,000 fines and jail time for up to at least a year for cruelty...maybe the South is used to it with Alabama, etc. and despite opinionated John Parker not wanting to talk about things like this, you'd think he would be at the front gates screaming for the dogs he supposedly loves, cherishes and wants to "protect"......go figure.
Alice and millions like her have obviously been brutally treated with lack of care and love.
There is no sensitivity in caging for 18 hours and more, and there is no compassion for making dogs intentionally homeless, everywhere.
A pox on Greyhound Racing worldwide! Until it is gone, let's not pretend all is better or even well.
Steroid usage has been found to cause liver failure in Greyhounds over the age of four. It would be helpful if someone attached to Greyhound Rescues and in touch with all the others, if we could assemble a list of the number of diseases and handicaps and temperaments, etc, from all the owners who adopt these fragile, sweet canines and end up actually paying for what the tracks have done to keep them alive and mobile and healthy as pets. The vet bills must be atrocious!
I have read that so many Greyhounds have "pins" and amputations not to mention, are unsocialized such as Alice who obviously was badly treated and hence "shy" if not "fearful".
How anyone can justify a "business" that literally hurts dogs and has so many fatalities and questionable employees and practices, not to mention, deliberate accidents caused by electrocutions and breaking of bones, backs, etc...only the ignorant would dare to contribute to this, let alone want to participate in these precious dogs' sorrowful fate.
Ontario, Canada
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