"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture."
~Reverend Ray Mummert
Thursday, April 16, 2009
On The Bright Side, It Could Be A Sign Mental Health Services Are Improving
OK, let's see how we did. Total number of teabaggers: 262,025
Number of people who live in Anchorage, Alaska (not counting seals and polar bears) 275,043
With a pix of Glen Beck, finally caving to the realities of Democrats and their powers, it's called "nervous breakdown" from which the only return is his unnerving income. (upon which he, hopefully, is the top 5%.)
Glenn Beck is the Rip Taylor of the right, what with his hysterical antics, overly-dramatic presentations and his entire kitschy shtick. He's faaaabulous! lol
With a pix of Glen Beck, finally caving to the realities of Democrats and their powers, it's called "nervous breakdown" from which the only return is his unnerving income. (upon which he, hopefully, is the top 5%.)
Glenn Beck is the Rip Taylor of the right, what with his hysterical antics, overly-dramatic presentations and his entire kitschy shtick. He's faaaabulous! lol
Obviously the protests worked if they got your attention. Looks like it got Barack's attention, too. Check out huffingtonpost
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