Well, now the inevitable has happened and public citizen Nancy Jones, Grinnell has a few...ah...corrective words for the head overlord:
In Guccione's attempt to prop up and promote the dog-racing industry, he warns Iowans that Grey2K USA is a radical animal-rights group with an extreme agenda and accuses Grey2K of launching a misinformation campaign against greyhound racing in Iowa. The numbers of greyhounds injured in Iowa were obtained through public information from the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission."Prop up?" Ms. Grinnell, surely you are misinformed. A potentially thriving industry like greyhound racing doesn't need to be propped up, it merely needs to get radical animal rights wackos off its back and be allowed to prosper by meeting the public demand, right Dairyland executive vice president Roy Berger?
Wisconsin's only pari-mutuel dog-racing track may close for good after this season. Dairyland Greyhound Park in Kenosha told employees in a letter this week that a decision on the track's future will be made by Nov. 16. Dairyland executive vice president Roy Berger said both attendance and betting have dropped off and the track lost $3.4 million last year. Berger said attendance is down 19 percent so far this year compared to a year ago and betting is down 29 percent. He said the track has lost money for the past four years and 2008 was financially the worst year in track history."Financially the worst year in track history?" Come on, Mr. Berger, don't you think you're overstating just a little? We mean really. There are people in the industry who will read that. Think of them, their years of caring and devotion to the units...er...dogs. you're going to break their hearts with talk like that, right Dr. Joe Robinson?
Last year, South Tucson voters gave a thumbs-up to helping the beleaguered dogs of Tucson Greyhound Park.Well, in Dr. Joe's defense, he is a graduate of the Wal-Mart School of Veterinary Medicine. Luckily, the people charged with enforcing the protection act are on the job, right Kim Janes?Among other things, the new law makes it illegal to inject female greyhounds with anabolic steroids. Those steroids contain hormones to keep the dogs from going into heat, but are also believed to cause genital deformities and severe urinary-tract problems.
Since passage of the Tucson Dog Protection Act, however, questions have emerged about whether this law is actually being enforced, and if so, by whom. Those concerns crystallized recently when the Tucson Weekly learned that a Green Valley veterinarian is regularly injecting the dogs, in direct violation of the South Tucson city ordinance. Furthermore, Dr. Joe Robinson isn't planning to stop.
Pima County hasn't monitored compliance with the new law. "Our workload is such that we only respond to complaints," PACC manager Kim Janes said at the time. "Only if a complaint comes in will we go and make sure what's happening."Hmm...We guess by complaint coming in they mean someone coming into the office, putting a gun to their heads, throwing them in a van and driving them out to the track to watch Dr. Joe inject a unit. Well, everybody's busy these days. Besides, it's not like people actually expect the government to do the things they vote for them to do anyway, right Linda Jenson, a Plainfield, Conn.-based breeder and president of nonprofit Protection of Working Animals and Handlers Inc.?
Dog-racing proponents have quietly launched multiple legal, financial and legislative battles to save the sport in Massachusetts in the final months before its ballot-mandated demise.Oh, Ms. Jenson. You mean to tell us that just because the people of Massachusetts voted to end dog racing, you think the government is actually going to do that? Obviously you haven't spoken with the folks from Friedman & Atherton LLP.
Raynham Park petitions the State Racing Commission for 2010 racing dates. In a Sept. 30 letter to the commission from Friedman & Atherton LLP, dog track operators in Raynham said their application was intended to "preserve the rights" of the track to run greyhound racing "depending upon the outcome of certain pending and/or future litigation and legislation."Ha! Take that pesky democratic process. You know, these voter people can really muck up a good thing, right Smokey?
And if you 'd like to know more about the good work the Second Chance at Life program is doing for the dogs, and the prisoners, go here.
"Dr. Joe Robinson" like most of the veterinarians in Greyhound Racing, is a complete and utter joke.
He can barely speak english so how was he supposed to read the "exam'?
But he is going to contiue to inject those female Greyhounds with anabolic steroids cause that puts beer and spam on his table.
Isn't that right Joe?
Don't worry.
We are going to get back to you.
(If you could belch and fart outside where the dogs don't get further trauma, we'd be grateful.)
Here comes another moron POWWAH who can find $200-$300,000 to raise money to keep them going(and their trailer payments) but these same people can't seem to make the tracks less dangerous for the dogs, or want to. That would cut down in the violence towards the dogs if there weren't any hairpin turns and the odd one rolling and breaking its back, but it does add to that "WOO!" effect, so forget "helping and protecting" those Greyhounds. (are you crazy or what?)
No way Jose! These women are RUTHLESS!
Hey all you Greyhound racing, hormone-raging females belonging to the "human race". Maybe we got to inject you all with something, too? No?
Maybe you all got them "twirly-bird specials" just raring to go and you all could be dangerous!
Now, don't know if you can pack and carry but no way any sane man going to go to the tracks in Conn. with women like that representing those poor dogs.
I mean, think about it.
If you cannot protect a mute Greyhound, like you are being paid to do, what do you women do on a date?
This Greyhound Racing violence just seems to spread into every little cog of "relationships". "Tracks" for a weekend fun time?
How about you all get psychological help.
The world is looking at you .
All this B.S. with "taking of property without compensation" I sure wish they had thought about that when they dumped a billion dogs into "society" and particularly a ton of them with tragic ailments.
In other words, these no class, greedy, lying and thieving members of the greyhound racing "Industry" can trash dogs, a billion times more than Mike Vick, get not only no jail time, but no horrendous fines at all? Furthermore, they can force all the people in society who, because they have a conscience and are upright and moral citizens, to care for these poor dumped dogs that they caused pain and suffering to and give us the bird and say, eat it and fast?
Is it any wonder this "business" breeds criminals.
Tri-State Casino and 39 million bucks "missing"?
We all know that's just the tip of the ice berg.
Maybe POWWAH would like to try and answer that one more time?
Having worked on the 2000 MA ballot initiative, I recall that one of the first hurdles the tracks set in Grey2K's way was the "improper taking" allegation. If memory serves, the Secretary of State was the official who determined that this charge was inapplicable. That position is today filled by the same person as 10 years ago (William Galvin). I would think this objection was again raised and rejected when papers for the 2008 initiative were in the pipeline. That being the case, it should not be arguable at this point.
We have already told you it's the dirty politicians and the kennels and vets and the breeders and , ALL of them on the take in the racing "business"!
And now, a John Munger cannot be reached for comment?
You going into POLITICS now, John?
Good for you.
You are representing Veterinarian Dr. Joe Robinson?
He is doing something illegal?
It's on the books that he is doing something illegal and you won't pick up your phone and comment?
You know who you sound like?
You sound like Paul Pullen who nobody can reach either.
Are you pals with any TEXAS POLITICIANS into Greyhound Racing ?(GOP)
You come on over and chat up about intentional harm to dogs and how long you spend in a prison
performing these cruelties to animals where in Florida you get a fine of $5,000 and jail for killing a white rat.
Perhaps Mike Vick was completely lost upon you for all the cruelty he committed.
Apparently, disfiguring Greyhounds and causing huge agony when they cannot go to the bathroom means nothing to you?
I'd like to see you campaign with half the agony hoisted on these female Greyhounds in order to suck a buck out of racetracks!
Cruel is cruel. Violent is violent.Or do you think needles and drugs are good for society?
And especially tortured Greyhounds?
Is that going to be your motto for the GOP?
We have already spoken about Marena Riggins who has been involved with the Greyhound Racing Industry for more than thirty years in Abilene , Kansas.We could call her the "Wicked Witch of the West" considering all her documented abuses of Greyhounds and constant over-breeding at her kennel at her "old fashioned" farm. That and the whirligigs with all the live-baiting , put her way up there with her broom and her ugly black hat and her green, greedy face. She likes gore. She likes violence. And she uses all her "little monkeys" to help her score. And she adores her money. And she shares nothing.
Next into the sky is this Gary Guccione who is rather like a Munchkin because he truly has a "pea brain". His midget size mentality helps in deceiving the "visitors" where all the missing Greyhounds are" hidden". No. They are not in the big-eyed Sunflowers of Kansas or even in the cornstalks in all those sweet corn fields.
The dogs are dead somewhere from Arizona to Topeka, but the Yellow Brick Road divulges nothing.
Greyhounds are still labeled as "cattle" after all.
No-one is going to ask questons except the intrusive Grey2k and the Greyhound Protection Leagues, and there are so many atrocities to look for, these people won't discover half of what is "killed".
Then, we have that "triangle" where it gets into the networking of an even bigger kind of "Oz".
It spreads its black cape over a thousand miles into West Virginia where one of the most ruthless men, ever, stands guard. He, above all else, is the one making all the smoke and all the frightening sounds and intimidating light shows, because he , ultimately, is the one with all the guns. And people truly fear him. Particularly in the Racing circles of West Virginia. And this is Earl Ray Tomblin. He is the Senator and the self-appointed Lt. Governor of West Virginia. And so, who is behind the curtain, with the voice and the booming sounds and all the fires? It is merely the Governor Joe Manchin, playing with women behind the "curtain of love" because Joe Manchin is no Greyhound lover; not at all. He is merely , as Jack Swint did say, Earl Ray Tomblin's "puppet". Because "Oz" is actually not found in Kansas at all.
"Oz" is Politics. "Oz" is" Corruption".
And Toto is there to merely be executed.
And for profit.
As for the the "Rainbow" , it comes in all colors and sizes and hues. It all just depends on what people will sacrifice to "fly".
Well the Good Witch of the North , Glinda , is obviously Susan Netboy!
And we all know who Dorothy is:
Christine Dorchak!
The "Red Ruby Slippers" are the Voters and the third time you click, your wish comes true.
No more Greyhound Racetracks!
The Lion , afraid yet courageous when all is said and done, are the Workers who have turned on the Owners of all the Racetracks, condemning their cruelty although not wishing to state their own names. Like "Mark" in West Virginia who saw bullets fly , and live-baiting, and was harassed and intimidated, along with many workers who remained silent to keep their jobs. But when the dogs started to become crippled and executed, they refused to "STFU". And this is true courage and true giving. They risked everything to get the message out to newspapers that the Greyhounds, are indeed, being tortured and neglected.
The Tin Man who needs a Heart are all the Volunteers, many broken, a thousand times, from emotional pain due to the stress and all the damage they see every day from racetracks' negligence.
And the Scarecrow, the one with supposedly, no brain, are all us "past neutrals", pretending that it was ok to say we're "neutral" but finally realizing, the corruption and the cruelty became over the top. That and all the monopolies of "silencing" was anti-Greyhound and did nothing to help the dog or save it and certainly never prevented it from harm.
In fact, that was the entire plan of Greyhound Racetracks. To keep us stupid. To keep us immobilized. To keep us mute.
Many thanks again to Ironicus Maximus and Jack Swint and Michelle Weaver (Jailamony Blog at Friends of Fort Lauderdale), not to mention Michael Mooney's article at New Times, Miami.
Also, for all the coverage on TV shows like Oprah revealing and exposing puppy mills and her support of GREY2K.
We are going to "end it".
And now.
Have you seen The Boston Herald? I'd like to know who put the pictures up on that article.
You talk for racetracks!
"Get Along Little Doggie" reads a caption.
Oh sure, "Get Along Little Doggie" before you get 4-D meat; a clubbing and disappear!
Talk about "poverty of minds".
Pathetic and such a cheap shot for the tortured Greyhounds.
Whoever is responsible for those photos deserves to be caged for 20 hours.
And then, executed.
Regarding the "Wizard of Oz" theme, don't forget
Aunt Em and Uncle Henry!
I'd like to think this loving and kind couple represent the World and through their efforts and generosity and wisdom, comes the knowledge and support to stop all Greyhound Racing, everywhere. They can end this "bad dream" , worldwide, because they care.
We don't have to be" in Kansas" anymore.
Tom Taylor is one more mental midget ultimately screwing all the Greyhounds to death.
He doesn't care either about "Dr. Joe Robinson" injecting the females with harmful drugs to make their sexual organs evaporate, get infected or worse!
Exceptional care and concern for all these victimized, female Greyhounds.
Have you and John Munger joined Paul Pullen somewhere?
And what are you two "now pullin'"?
The Boston Herald should be flogged for misleading the public into thinking the racetracks are organized and and clean and caring.
I resent, very much, the two pictures depicting those Greyhounds not only racing their lives out with muzzles ,having been trained and starved for the whirligig, but also also what happens when they race to their deaths, literally with broken bones and electrocutions.
It shows the absolute stupidity of whoever put that together with a so-so "article" with false representations of what the dogs truly do experience.
It makes one think the Boston Herald is in with the tracks and the creeps associated with it.
Are they getting ad money or something or are they invested somehow in the racing industry?
it is revolting that they show "workers" all nice and clean in their shirts and the dogs filing in a single row like they are "just fine" after a nice day "out".
The Greyhounds risk their lives every day!
They are eating 4-D meat and are tossed with the slightest illness because they are no longer profitable!
They also live in filth!
And if you were allowed into their kennels which you should have demanded, you would see the damn, inhumane cages!
This is not a private school in uniform!
This is "a killing field" and a Mike Vick special a billion-fold!
Well, if you put how many Irish are in on the take of Greyhound Racing, like the Carneys and the Whiteleys and the list is utterly endless , well, I guess they figured dogs were better than potatoes.
Maybe the Boston Herald needs a "poke".
Where are the Kennedy-types in politics that refuse to accept this cruelty and violence?
They must speak up!
I just checked out the Greyhounds, Friends of Fort Lauderdale , "news" section and they, too, are now pushing for the program called "Second Chance at Life". (SCAL) They took two Greyhounds to the Brooksville Correctional Prison and they are hoping to give these Greyhounds another opportunity to, hopefully, be adopted.
What on earth does that say about Greyhound Racing!
I remember a Dr. Jean Dodds, who was also so beneficial to these poor hounds that were constantly thrown away by the racing "industry". She saved somewhere around 800 dogs and also helped dogs ,nationwide, by providing blood for them ,drawn from all the Greyhounds she housed, and eventually, got adopted out.
Look at the total lack of feeling from the racetracks. It is undeniably fact that they over-breed, execute, feed cancerous meats to and refuse to pay for surgeries when they do have tragic "accidents".
All their suffering to "help" non-educated bums at tracks; to "help" save the lives of other dogs needing blood while they remain "homeless" and now their complete and total giving to prison systems, nationwide to bring the incarcerated more love and understanding.
Well, honest to God, people. What more can a dog possibly, ever do?
Racetracks would like them to bleed oil and shit gold.
Not only that, politicians use them to get elected.
Greyhounds breathe life and love yet are the first to get extinguished .
How about we jail all the politicians who continue the laws to crucify this breed.
And let's start with KANSAS.
There is no reason in the World why we all cannot join one another , globally, and stop these executions and all this violence supported by organized crime.
We have more than documented the hell here in USA for the Greyhounds, the Tomblins in West Virginia, being the prime example.
There are GREY2K's everywhere, and anyone loving dogs are sensitive to their need for help!
England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, South America, etc., there are no more excuses NOT to save this dog!
We have computers. We have the networking and knowledge. And with the help of professional media, everywhere, it is just simple , constructive thinking.
When Bryant Gumbel's documentary did not hit the mark and cease this blood sport, it is only evident that a movie, telling the story, from A to Z, with top actors and top actresses will get that job done, without further waiting and suffering of this tortured beast. People will WANT to see it and GET the lesson at the same time.
And with all the giving, and talented singers and musicians, there can be nothing greater on earth than moving our world into a state more peaceful and more harmonious with healthy minds.
Let's get going.
I'm in!
And I'm sure a couple other million or two as well. :)
Well we can't call it "Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead!"
What's a catchy title?
One that every country would understand.
Ok. Here' s possibility.
For those that don't already know, it could be
anybody , any part of the world because as far as I know, that is exactly how they used to execute the Greyhounds in USA from the get-go.
Never cost a penny for a bullet. The cheapest way for all these racetrack people, hit them to death and it also got their violent ya-ya's out, by simply clubbing them to death.
Very documented with all the dog people.
So, besides the racetrack people being heartless and cold and this "wood" would identify that characteristic, it is also the hugely "accepted" way to execute these sweet ,poor dogs.
Clubbing to death.
From Kansas to West Virginia.
We have that responsibility for telling the people the truth.
I think July 10th was a good page about "STFU". How all the people in racing are in isolation to get away with all their crimes against animals and god only knows what else.
Ironicus Maximus talked about "Railbird" and gave us an article on that for all these desperate gamblers to go online there and bet and lose their money.
There was also a poem about it if I remember correctly.
To the point.
If the" Mafia types" complain about copyright, let's fight them for it! Could be fun!
Bring out all the other "Stanley's".
I miss him. :)
so, I say call the movie:
Obviously English is the main language but French is up there too.
Like" evil skin" or "evil beast or animal", meaning , really, " evil man".
I think that's the way you spell it. Someone who knows French might fix it if it's wrong.
In Europe, everyone knows French and English. This would work.
That's my pick.
Greygarious, thanks for all your info.
You are a huge help to us keeping us informed.
I thought of this but looking at the others, maybe this is not so good. Here it is anyway.
Meaning, drugs, basically and the Greyhounds' imprisonment for 22 hours a day.
Their life is non-existent.
Steroids like this criminal Joe Robinson torturing these female Greyhounds.
If they are that close to Mexico, as the Rescue worker stated on Jack Swint's blog, they probably all get their drugs in a back alley in Mexico and pump these dear dogs with poisons.
That has to be included in the title somewhere as illegal drugs are a gigantic part of the racetracks and all these mobsters are in on it.
Really. For God's sake, please let these Greyhounds go! Have your casinos!
Have your drugs!
But please.
Not with these loving animals!
Stop hurting them!
God. I am just sick thinking about the hell these dogs go through.
Linda Jenson of Plainfield, Conn., Breeder and Protection of something other than the Greyhounds, hear that?
The fact you are a Breeder makes me vomit.
The fact you dubbed yourself "Protector" makes me even more nauseous.
(How many puppies have you culled to "protect" your racers?)
What drugs have you used on your girls?
What drugs have you used on your boys?
Or do any of the vets even look?
Hey Doug Pizzi?
(Is that how we are supposed to spell that name?)
Hear that?
Lots and lots of drugs everywhere.
Vets are using them like "buttah".
Got any further "dope" on these issues?
Why is this still going on ,America? Aren't we supposed to be "progressive"? What the hell is all this garbage from organized crime and organized vets into illicit drugging? We don't allow it for people. We don't allow it for animals! We cannot take the lack of intelligence from government officials anymore. Get the hell moving and put these criminals in jail!
Let's get society back and maybe our children can be apart of the global competition again. They are into these drugs too!
I want BOTH, DOUG PIZZI and LINDA JENSON to come here and publicly tell us exactly WHY these veterinarians are doing this to these dogs?
That's both your responsibilities?
Are these YOUR type of orders?
WHO is ordering these veterinarians to do this?
WHO is PAYING these veterinarians to do this?
WHO MADE THIS HAPPEN like 39 million dollars missing in TRI-STATE CASINO?
Don't hold your breath whoever that was.
It's Saturday and they are all at the tracks.
Maybe having beers with all the vets.
(Unless they are both helping to stuff body bags.)
Maybe they are stuffing the other " bags".
They got a lot of different "bags" to stuff!
Them people at them tracks got a lotta stuff to stuff!
Hey y'all...
they stuffin' "the muffin "and a' puffin'!
Hey Man.
They doin' a Bojangles.
"I dance now at any chance at honky -tonks, for drinks and tips,
But most the time I spend behind bars, 'cause I drinks a bit."
Mr. Bojangles........Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaance.
You know why, right?
The dog up and died.
Like that's supposed to be a surprise.
I wonder what vets smell like from the tracks?
Do they smell from the drugs there?
Do they smell from the unclean cages there?
I always wondered when they went home, how a wife or husband could look them in the eye.
Even just a friend.
I would not trust that vet while I was asleep.
What if he/she poked me with something illegal?
Why not?
What's stopping him or her?
For them to have access to powerful drugs and not care how they use them, this is a dangerous hold.
I wonder where "Dr." Paul Pullen is tonight?
Imagine disappearing just like that!
You don't call that scary?
Racetrack Veterinarian?
And now we got this "Dr." Joe Robinson.
And he is really "cool" with it!
Who is worse?
The guy who vanishes or the one who doesn't give a damn?
Terrific PR for these disgusting tracks.
Shut them down!
Well, anabolic steroids on the black market and all the doping is nothing new. They cheat at racetracks and they kill the dogs in the process. Liver damage? Heart damage? Urinary infections and disfigurement?
They are just going to dump the dogs in a ditch anyway. Dead or alive, they obviously couldn't care less.
This has been a long-held , blood sport form the thirties. They don't get kinder. And they don't ever get less violent.
"Maybe you'll get a replacement
There's plenty like me to be found...."
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Elton John
I'm going to Kansas City
Kansas City here I come.
They got a crazy way of loving there
And I'm gonna get me some.
Kansas City
Wilbert Harrison
Well there are a lot of different nationalities in Greyhound Racing but by far, what I see, the most seem to be Irish and Italian.
Considering we have heard nothing as of yet from either Jenson or Pizzi, both supposedly into "protecting the Greyhound", being Sunday, all the Italians must be at Mass (or not) and all the Irish are still out drinking. (or passed out)
"Hope everyone had fun stuffing the bags
last night , kids!"
How many Greyhounds dead?
When Roy Berger admits, finally, like the rest of the Greyhound abusers in the racing "industry", the tracks are losing money and probably the only thing to do is sell to the Indian tribe for a casino....how long does it take to figure?
When the "white man" takes decades to see that this "dog industry" is doomed since the revelation of all its cruelty, what did you expect?
People LOVE dogs, Roy Berger!
People do NOT want to HARM dogs, Roy Berger!
People don't WANT Greyhound Racetracks because they are DANGEROUS FOR DOGS!
That and the fact it is BORING, OUTDATED and DUMB!
People want CARDS!
The young WANT POKER!
Time to pack up your snack bag and put it in your cubby and GO HOME!
Are you telling us that you really expect the Menominee Indian Tribe to follow with more dog tracks after the public has specifically denied the "desire " for dog tracks?
When 2008 has been the WORST year in HISTORY for Greyhound Racing, don't you "white people" get it?
If the Indian Menominee Tribe want to build a billion dollar casino, they obviously want to please the public, and the public has already shown they DO NOT WANT GREYHOUND RACETRACKS!
That is why all the Greyhound Racetracks are going out of business ROY BERGER!
Truly, you "white people" in Greyhound racing are either brain dead, cannot read, or are definitely over 60 and need a jolt of blood transfusion.
(You know what that is? Just without all those steroids)
KIM JANES, PACC MANAGER, you and the millions just like you, are the very reason why these Greyhounds are NOT getting out of this abominable "industry", FASTER!
Do YOU have a dog? Does your NEIGHBOR have a dog? How about a RELATIVE? How about the POLICE force who supposedly PROTECTS PEOPLE with DOGS?
So, KIM JANES of PACC, YOU do NOT investigate ANYTHING at ALL, because what YOU do, is like what PIZZI does? Is what like JENSON does? IGNORE the CRUELTY until you are HAMMERED with it?
Until your job is really quite QUESTIONABLE?
In other words, KIM JANES, PACC MANAGER, what do YOU actually DO all by YOURSELF, without somebody like IRONICUS MAXIMUS, GREY2K and all the VOLUNTEERS, RESCUERS and ADOPTERS of GREYHOUNDS?
Are GREYHOUNDS LESS important than yours?
Are GREYHOUNDS less important than your neighbors?
Are GREYHOUNDS less important than your relative's?
How about the dogs in the POLICE FORCE?
You, like all the other losers, are INCOMPETENT!
You know, these Greyhounds are tremendous dogs for therapy due to their sweet dispositions.
Glenn Close knows all about helping people in need of therapy with dogs and there are so many damaged , now, particularly from the wars.
Greyhounds not only are extremely valuable to help in rehabilitating prisoners at places like SCAL, (Second Chance at Life) but in hospitals for the Vets.
We can all really do something quite extraordinary by
transferring all these sacrificed canines into positive outlets such as hospitals and correctional facilities.
It is easy.
And it is smart.
There are so many people, famous or not, who are devoted to helping animals.
Betty White, Doris Day, Bob Barker, Matt Groening, Pamela Anderson, Alec Baldwin, Paul McCartney, Bridgette Bardot, just at the tip of my tongue.
How wonderful and how fantastic to steer these homeless and abused dogs into things exactly like the prison systems and the therapies for cancer children, for stroke victims, for vets. The list is endless!
There are millions of these poor dogs, worldwide, without love and stability. We can get that for them and get what less fortunate people need as well. Help.
This dog has been too giving to ignore its suffering any longer. Let's do something wonderful.
We know we have the support. We certainly have all the dogs and they are all begging to be noticed and be put to GOOD use.
That article in the Boston Herald with the misleading photos was put together by someone called Laura Crimaldi?
Interesting name.
Maybe someone should call her.
This week's homeless Greyhound's name is "Smokey".
Did you see the description of "Smokey" who's waiting to be adopted from Second Chance?
He "sings"!
This lovely, sweet boy "sings"!
What in God's name are we doing to these precious dogs?
Ok. Got a title for the movie.
First I'll tell you why.
Everyone involved in the Greyhound saga wants to "rule" for bad or for good.
The Politicians want to have all the power. Organized crime wants all the power. The Volunteers, and Rescuers want the power. Grey2K and Protection Leagues want the power. Not to mention, the Workmen slaving for minimum wages, want the power.
To wrap up all the people, total, involved in Greyhound racing including the merciless idea and those fighting against the corruption which seems to be centered in Kansas, to start, I say, let's name this movie:
I checked that out and it looks to be a book already with that title.
How about "KANSAS KING" for the movie?
(opening scene might be with Marena Riggins or some farm hand culling slow puppies?)
Since she, above all people is looking totally invested in this puppy-mill kind of breeding, and for profit and for more than 35 years, and also knowing fully well most of these puppies will never live past their third year of life, she should start the movie off. She deserves it.
It's pretty good.
Since Marena Riggins supposedly distances herself from all the ugly things going on like culling and the whirligig and the starvation of these Greyhounds, I say with this opening scene, it should show her barn cat with a litter of kittens. It's a beautiful sunset and she's "dressed to kill" in an Italian silk scarf and riding pants and she tilts her head into the direction where the sounds of the kittens' mewing forces her into a thoughtful smile and tells her head man who is looking a little perturbed as she speaks :
"You know what to do with those".
The next thing you see are the four kittens being placed into the sack on the whirligig, as the Greyhounds bark and whine from the gated yard.
"Kansas King" starting with a woman?
The deceptions begin at once.
And don't forget the eerie music and there has to be a lot of wind, so that whirligig is way in the
background, going around and around by itself and we are wondering what that thing is for at least five minutes as it spins and whirs and the constant mewing and the quiet , decisive, conversations are taking place. That is the center of the idea of Greyhound Racing. The cruelty. The crimes. The coldness. And trying to turn all these dogs into what all these people are which is plain and calculatingly, vicious.
Got it.
1. Establishing Shot
3. Zoom
" CUT ! "
And now , the break of day, where the World of Organized Crime hits "The Yellow Brick Road".
(and no speed bumps)
That's disgusting!
The last couple of weeks we have been talking about some millionaires in the Greyhound Racing "Industry". How people get rich and fast , particularly with all "their connections".
So, I am reading Friends of Fort Lauderdale (Jailamony) and I am also reading about one of the dogs that went to jail for the Second Chance program and it has a broken hock? Those irresponsible animal abusers in the racing "industry" of course, did not bother to help that dog with surgery and just left that dog dry and in pain? Are you kidding me?
So I go back to the old story of Jailamony and see all this news about Ron Hevener and how wealthy he is and how he sells a fortune of items and this is after we all know these poor dogs all get dumped and sometimes never find homes and get executed? Because of people like Ron Hevener who over breeds and knows fully well those dogs rarely live beyond three years of age?
And all of them have an accident of some sort trying to make them rich? Like RON HEVENER?
Well, my point is this. A Rescuer by the name of Virginia McKean from Idaho, I believe, was extremely upset because she got "set up" by a radio station, the host being Mark Horas and his guest was RON HEVENER.
Mark Horas lit into animal rights people and then they BOTH went into her like a "gang mentality" and were condemning her for animal rights, etc. and honestly, what could they have been thinking?
She is in RESCUE trying to UNDO ALL THE HARM OF RACETRACKS and these two irresponsible jerks had the idiocy and ungraciousness to not even THANK Virginia for SAVING the DOGS that THEY THROW AWAY!
I am totally revolted by this letter that poor Virginia McKean wrote and I don't know when it happened but it happened and I am so upset I want some answers from both Mark Horas and Ron Hevener.
If Ron is the millionaire he pretends to be, he has a HUGE obligation to set things straight, because if I am not mistaken, whirligigs are against the law and so is culling.
Someone has also stated that it was a $5,000 fine for killing a RAT! And that is in Florida where he has MORE GREYHOUNDS? And a HOUSE?
I'll tell you one thing. If someone gave me five dollars, I would always remember this generosity. Apparently, both RON HEVENER and MARK HORAS have forgotten who and what put money in their pockets to let them BOTH mouth OFF and have so much real estate!
Come and speak with us a.s.a.p before this gets totally on fire Ron. Greyhounds mean far more to all of us than either you or Mark Horas ever will. And you can certainly count on that!
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