Well, it seems while the legislature dithered around trying to make a bad situation worse, the overlords themselves came together and solved their problem.
The Twin River slot parlor and a greyhound owners association have reached a "preliminary agreement" in their dispute over dog racing at the Lincoln gambling venue, according to a federal court filing.Now there's American ingenuity at work for you. Who needs a bunch of overfed undereducated politicians to muck up the works? Just let a little old Yankee common sense into the mix and viola! There's your solution.
Breaking the contract with the association would allow the slot parlor to drop the $9-million annual fee it pays the group. It also would allow the slot parlor to cut jobs -- at least 18 full-time and 9 part-time positions -- and trim the salaries of another 22 employees.See what we mean? Times get tough and one side stops paying the other. Everybody wins! Well, except for the people who get laid off or have their salaries slashed, but hey, omelet, eggs you know? Anyway with this kind of problem solving ability and government out of the way it won't be long before greyhound exploitation is once again drawing standing room only crowds, right 120 employees at Phoenix Greyhound Exploitation Center?
Phoenix Greyhound Park plans to close its live racing on December 19 as a result of the challenging economy and increased competition from valley casinos.Oh. Uh, sounds like they could use some of the expertise displayed by the Twin River overlords, right former State Racing Commission Chairman Jack McGee?
A bastion of Bay State betting history went dark last night, after the last dog bolted across the finish line at Wonderland Greyhound Park and the struggling track finally fell to fiscal woes and a looming voter-approved dog-racing ban.Yeah, ah, OK this is going to be a little harder than we thought. Anybody out there got any good news?
Gulf Greyhound Park would become the only track in Texas to offer live greyhound racing in 2010, after a decision by the Texas Racing Commission, the racetrack announced in a press release.Oh yeah baby! Now we're talking. One track left in the whole state of Texas! Only one place in the entire state to go and see greyhounds exploited...er...we mean competing. Think of the pent up audience for that? Think of it! No competition. Wow! We're talking multiple races 24/7 right Texas Greyhound Association Executive Director Diane Whiteley?
The proposal was approved, meaning Gulf Greyhound will add a performance Tuesday evenings beginning next year.Boo yah! Look out bank, we're going to be bringing so much money to you, you'll need to build an addition to hold it all, you'll need...wait, what? One track in the whole state, one track that anyone interested in greyhound exploitation...er...racing has to go to in the whole big freaking state and all you can manage is one extra performance? One?
Cripes Ollie, we're beginning to get the idea that greyhound racing isn't so popular anymore.

And if you 'd like to know more about the good work the Second Chance at Life program is doing for the dogs, and the prisoners, go here.
Yeah, it's a "sad day" alright , Jack McGee. One of the first dates you ever go on with your wife and all and that "wonderful" place called, "Wonderland" is no longer pulling in 15,000--16,000 gangster Buicks and Cadillacs.
"Such a crime."
Oh brother. Sally Briggs again. Sally Briggs is the General Manager of Gulf Greyhound Park.
Of course, the Park" part is no "Park". (except for the few cars that poke around on empty)
Now, Sally says that this is going to be really good for not only the sport but for Texas cause they gonna be the ONLY ones!
She says this is gonna be hot diggity DAWG for all those "FARMS" , (you know like Ron Hevener from West Virginia or Virginia or Pennsylvania ? (We can't keep up with all your addresses, Ron! ) He gets "10 per bitch". (just ask his accountant!) And he is a descendent from "Germany"? Or he is "Scottish"? He sure knows about all those tricks to make those puppies fly!
But back to Sally Briggs, isn't she the one who says there is no problem if those hurricanes get sent down from God because he will provide for those dogs even if we don't? They never moved one dog with IKE and they ain't never gonna do it even for a KATRINA!
Know why?
Cause they got those "FARMS" just pouring out those puppy mill Greyhounds and don't forget, they don't even have to retire any that do "make it" albeit, badly.
Who ya gonna call, BABE?
If she got the change, maybe Dr. Dunn?
Otherwise, she may be out shopping with Diane Whiteley.
I am under thirty.
I am a post graduate .
I know hundreds of students, employed, swingers, media, you name it. We are the people you , the Greyhound "Industry" are trying to entice but you are all so misguided.
Our money will never go to the harming of animals, and particularly dogs. Most of us grew up with canines and saw them working in hospitals, in therapeutic facilities due to the wars, not to mention jail programs like Ironicus Maximus highlights showing us many, many times a month, these loving hounds and this poor breed's plight of utter exploitation by the "dumb" and "lazy" if not "criminal".
Our generation wants to "improve" ourselves. Improve society.
Improve working conditions and air pollution and have advanced technology in energy.
We don't want to harm our environment further. Like you.
Like politicians.
Like gangland mobsters in West Virginia.
Or like pigs like Dean Miner, and the VP Burdette.
We are tired of your types giving America a bad name.
The youth of today want something "smart".
Greyhound racing is from an era of poverty and ignorance.
We are trying to advance America.
Not bring it down.
Hear that, y'all?
Diane Whiteley , Sally Briggs, talkin' Texas, Gals!
That's what y'all call "Bitch Slap"!
According to the Cape Cod Times some guy,
who , understandably did not want to use his name ,
said that he still owes a lot of money to "mafia types" due to Greyhound gambling debts.
You call this blood sport something to be "respected"?
We have all read about the fraud and the drugs and the prostitution. Have your casinos but leave the damn dogs alone. You don't need a Greyhound to get your coke and whores and partying.
And you sure don't need Greyhounds to make you look "good". You are what you are. These royal dogs have had enough of your crimes against them. And it doesn't matter if it is in the North or the South.
White trash is white trash, anywhere in the World that supports this pitiful "existence" for these lovely , defenseless, Greyhounds.
I am 26. I play poker once a week. I don't want a dog. I don't need a dog. And I don't respect people using them like a deck of cards or a wheel.
Casinos will always be.
Racetracks, will not.
They are boring. They are filled with creeps. We try to avoid violence. We have seen too much of it already in bars, concerts, streets.
We love poker.
We love cards.
That's ugly.
Leave them alone and make a profit . Who is really forcing this on the dogs?
The unemployment rate is now at 9.8% and probably more.
People are going back to school. This is the time for the twenty and thirty year olds to move it.
If you listen to all the nonsense about the tracks, it's the sixty and seventy year olds who are trying to hold onto old memories. When they are dead, there is nothing left . You call that good thinking? Prepare for something else while you are able. Tomorrow the job you could have had will be taken by somebody who went back to academics or community training, now.
Wake up.
When the COLDWATER PRISON PROGRAM can take Greyhounds like Ollie and take the time and use the training to HELP the Greyhound FIND a home instead of Greyhound Racetracks that RUINED the dog for THEIR profit, (or not), and gave it NO home, everyone with half a brain is speechless that women like Diane Whiteley and Sally Briggs from Texas, try to make it "look good". The "News" is it does NOT "look good" and NEVER will! And if COLDWATER PRISON PROGRAM knows that, what is in your Southern , demented minds?
The fact Ollie is a "Second Chance at Life Dog", do Texans get it or what?
Diane Whiteley and Sally Briggs, can you try and tell us what you think this means?
Maybe they honest to god, can't read.
Their grades are as bad as Kentucky?
Isn't it amazing that present human prisoners are trying to help socialize past canine prisoners?
Diane and Sally, you respect yourselves for doing this to these dogs?
The Lodge isn't the only place that has got a ton of "questionable women".
If you read the papers these past few days there was a story about a Rottweiler that was thrown from a car on a highway and the five person family was taken to a hospital but the dog "disappeared". The family assumed it had been killed on the busy road but lo' and behold, a passerby who had seen the accident , prior, noticed this Rottweiler and about 13 days later and looking very skinny and in a daze while it just sat on a bunch of hair brushes and toothbrushes and sweaters from the past car accident, she put it together. She assumed the family had had a tragic ending but coaxed the dog to come to her even though it had obviously been traumatized by the separation and the horrible lonliness it had felt and the deep sense of abandonment.
Long story short, the family was found to be well and the dog called Ella and family were re-united. Moral of the story? I wonder if Diane Whiteley and Sally Briggs have any idea.? But let's all help them out a little. Maybe their childhood was lacking in some ways.
The dog is not "a unit". The dog is a family member. Proof is that the dog, this Rottweiler, refused to leave all the possessions of the family because their scent meant life to that dog despite cars racing by at 100 mph, that dog would not leave her family. Their scent meant home to that dog. It meant everything. In other words, what Diane Whiteley and Sally Briggs and all the women and men in Greyhound Racing do to these beautiful, devoted dogs, is try and make them emotionally sick besides physically ill. And if this is what Texan Executives are proud of doing for a living, we shall just have to continue to give you story after story after story on Ironicus Maximus to give you the lessons your parents should have given you. Dogs are a gift for the heart. Dogs are not a gift to rip apart. That is how the worst criminals begin and our next lessons shall take you into the records of the FBI if you so wish. We are all determined to make you all see what you are doing, continue to do and refuse to give up. Harming animals is not an occupation or a right. It is against the Law.
Diane Whiteley blew us off a couple a weeks ago because her ego , as usual, got in the way of the welfare of all these imprisoned Greyhounds in Texas. Let's make Diane our full time subject this week. In fact, I think we should make every single person with the stupidity and the cruelty to continue with Greyhound Racing our top conversation or "Roast" as some like to say.
It certainly never seems to bother them but maybe if we try extra hard, we can mimic their mean and absolutely heartless ways.
P.S. If someone prefers to do Sally Briggs, that's fine, too.
I can honestly say that I have never in my life wanted to go somewhere where they exploit animals. it is obvious with a circus and elephants and tigers. Those shows are becoming extinct because people do not want them hurting the animals anymore. We know that cattle rods or prods or whatever you want to call them, are often used for the dogs in Greyhound Racing. You all destroy them psychologically with the fear and the frenzy and the starvation and also the pain. Incredible! But you are a "manager" and you are an "executive". Disgusting. We all know of the stories about tails being amputated and the electrocutions and the paralysis and broken backs. How can the Diane Whiteleys and the Sally Briggs of USA pretend it does not happen. It happens and we have proof of all of this and that is how we are shutting you ugly individuals down. Most of us want you punished for these crimes. Others are trying to just get the casinos to take over and quickly.
Which do you want? Personally, I'd rather see you both behind bars. Two years like Mike Vick is no picnic, particularly for a woman.
I cannot bear the sadness and the suffering of these dogs much longer.
It's simple. Look at Las Vegas. When times are good, that place is packed! There are no dogs there. That is the last thing people think is "sexy". "Sexy" is fast, cool, and clean.
The dogs are bloody, coked up and have constant accidents. You think this is "sexy"? You think that that is a turn on with a date? You either have not had an evening out forever or you are completely out of touch. No matter what, you all disconnect with the living breathing animal and that in itself, is really the most unsexy thing happening. You are oblivious to the hell. You don't even feel the damage. We don't take our dates on blood rides.
Is that what they do in Texas ?
To be quite frank, if it is the gambling that they hope to draw the crowds with, the only way they can do it is with casinos. It has been proven that no-one wants the dogs! What is wrong with these jerks that they cannot see what people want? Talk about bad businessmen!
People rush home to see their dogs. People pay dog walkers to care for their dogs when they are at work. People have sitters for their dogs when they go on vacation. People love their dogs! What part of english don't you people get?
You think they are going to turn around and say, ok, let's now go to the tracks and see some accidents and rollovers and Greyhounds hit the walls at 40 MPH? You people are insane. You are all sick and twisted. Society wants peace and healthy minds. Otherwise, your life span is diminished and so is your mental capacity for constructive production.
Texas, you are embarassing this Nation yet again.
What do Dean Miner and Sam Burdette have in common with Diane Whiteley?
That's a good question!
What is the common link among Gayle Manchin, Joanne Tomblin and Diane Whiteley?
Killing Fields?
How about all three.
These women are totally brutal. Maternal? Well, if you call Bilking, Whirligig, and Executions "maternal".
If we are still doing the casting for "the film" how about Dennis Hopper for Dean Miner and
Juliette Lewis for Diane Whiteley? I know someone said to get a B actress for Diane but Juliette Lewis is such a Star she can play anything, anytime and anyone. This is so exciting!
How come Freda hasn't been mentioned lately? Isn't she the one who is the real mind blower of them all?
Where is her actress? What does Freda Tomblin have in common with Diane Whiteley?
For one thing, these women all have the whirligig in common with its live baiting. You know what I bet? I bet the women were the inventors of this. You know why? Take those puppies and make them learn about "food". That'll make them "race to the table". Sure. That is the maternal common factor in these women.
Kathleen Turner would scare the absolute hell out of Freda Tomblin playing Freda Tomblin! The BEST!
You talk OSCAR!
Freda Tomblin needs some more talking about. Let's "do" Freda, too . And we need an actor for ERT SR. Keep "Sawed-Off Shotgun" in the back of your minds for a player.
Maybe Dustin Hoffman?
Poor Ollie. Poor all of them. When the breeders are to blame for the puppy mill mentalities, and the dirty politicians grab a hold of that for bucks and power, the poor Greyhounds really do need a movie to expose the corruption, greed and criminality of the entire Greyhound Racetrack people populations.
What misery these bastards make for not only Rescuers, but the Greyhounds that are killing themselves for some "love".
Horrible does not even come close.
Let's get that veterinarian report on all the crimes the vets have done and for money.
If this is a "sport" that continues after all the reporting from Ironicus Maximus and Jack Swint and Grey2K, it is written in violent blood: "DIRTY POLITICIANS".
The Cape Cod Times reporting that fellow still owing racetrack gambling money to "mafia types" spells it all out in plain black and white. There is nothing that is not understood.
This is precisely what the Diane Whiteleys and the Sally Briggs are trying to cover. Not only that, while they are doing it, they hide the real dangers to the Greyhounds that other insipid women like Marena Riggins and Freda Tomblin directly and unabashedly apply to these beautiful dogs. Namely: DEATH.
No conscience gets you everywhere in Greyhound Racing. Particularly, the women. They somehow put perfume on it and lather it up into cheap lipstick with all the shades and colors . But we all know that smell and taste those artificial flavors. It's nothing more than slippery; and no prettier than a headless horse.
Entire USA knows that Greyhound Racing is no longer popular. So you tell me who is pushing all these breeding farms for Greyhound bitches to breed non-stop and for what?
If no-one is going to see the dogs, what the hell are they doing it for?
Who makes money when no-one is there?
What is going on under tables and behind locked doors? (drugs? bribes? scams?)
And what sleazy politicians have got their greasy hands out like Tony Soprano?
It stinks. It's violent. And it's looking very, very illegal.
If we shut down that West Virginian "government" with Manchin-Tomblin mercilessly scaring the entire population and media to death, we will get to the very root of this massacre of Greyhounds.
Tomblin has been protecting these criminals and filling his pockets for decades. We break their hold on the "government", it's a dominos effect. We will then easily expose the crimes against animals, big and small.
Let's go.
We had that "Railbird-Bailbird-Jailbird."
(July 10 -Ironicus Maximus)
Remember "Stan Pawloski"? (Jack Swint)
We should get right to the Tracks.
Show what happens there.
"Mafia types" with Cadillacs and Buicks....
Talk about it.
They put the "squeeze" on non-payers.
Imagine that man after all those years fearing to give his name!
Get the dogs out of this cesspool!
I will not tell you what state I am from or what rescue, but I rescue dogs.
Earlier this year I was interested in getting more information about what is behind these locked and forbidden kennels, with fences, with guards, etc.
I could not even get closer than 100 feet; Too many "people".
What I did do is follow, yes, a Cadillac, and I will not tell you the color because when I stood very openly and just tried to stare through the blackened windows in "anger", there was absolutely no hesitation with that "Cadillac". It kept going and I am quite sure if I had been standing in the middle of the road, it would have mowed me down.
What happened next is quite "out of a movie".
I continued home about a half hour later. I noticed I was being aggressively tailed. (Like about one foot from my fender.)
I turn and suddenly, this horrible, menacing, hillbilly-like "mafia" type is "snarling" right beside my car and there is no other word for this as that is exactly what he was doing! Leaning out his window he just kept "snarling"! (and he was about 65 and crazy-looking)
This was not at all amusing to me as I was alone and I knew exactly the reason for this. It was because I "crossed a line".
This is the kind of intimidation, we the rescue people deal with every single day. There are no "neutrals". There are pro-racers and there are not.
Make no mistake, these guys are "bad guys" and one can only wonder what goes on behind closed doors.
The tracks are so "popular" that there isn't anyone to talk about them!
The people that do go and know about this List are staying away from it like the plague because they know we would question them for further details.
Another zero for communication just like all those pro-racers telling us to come see them for their breeding farms and tracks! ("No Stones Anonymous Kennels") Of course, they never give their addresses and their information. They do not want us there! We would shut them down in two seconds.
" Whirligigs' Wonder Lands"
We got the Munchy , the Munchy Crunchy Yum Yums,
For Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!
We got the DAWGS!
We got the ODDS!
We got the FRAUDS!
For Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!
We got the FRIES!
(Tst! -Tst! -Tst!)
We got the LIES!
We got the HIGHS!
For Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!
We got the Munchy , the Munchy Crunchy Yum Yums,
For Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!
We got the
With no
We got the
And its
We got the Coke
And the
For Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!
We got the
Big, Big
We got the
Big, Big
We got the
Big, Big
For Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!
We got the Munchy, Munchy Crunchy Yum Yums,
For Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!
All of these people are so backwards that are involved with Greyhound Racing. Have you also noticed the only ones talking about having gone to the races sound like they are over sixty years of age?
As another person said, this is more than a dying entertainment. It is already "dead"!
Former State Racing Commission Chairman ,
Jack McGee , sounds like such "a loser". He even loved the idea of mingling with "gangsters and high-rollers" even though one guy who still owes money nervously quipped those were the days.
Different strokes for different folks. And luckily,
different times for different minds.
Good luck.
And don't forget to turn out the lights.
The Rescuers are 100% against the racetracks. Otherwise, why would they call themselves "Rescuers"? They mostly suffer silently , in order to get all these poor dogs out of their destructive "habitat" by hoods. But they are very depressed AND angry!
Imagine all the Rescuers in the Greyhound life that have been "followed" or" intimidated" or "pushed down" like Mark from West Virginia has said on Jack Swint's stories and this Rescuer, here, has spoken about. It's just not vividly displayed on Ironicus Maximus with all the "STFU's" from the Mike USA and the Martin Ropers. No. This is their "MO". Their Modus Operandi is to scare you and degrade you and put their boots into you whether you gambled and owe, or whether you or trying to help that Greyhound they destroyed for a dollar , get a life and some surgery for all the bones the hoods broke.
And some of you just want Casinos? Where is the punishment for this garbage that stole peoples' lives? And where is the punishment for all the innocent Greyhounds gutted in the Everglades, in Alabama or in the Killing Fields of Chapmanville West Virginia?
The punishment must not only be in restitution, but exposing violent Gangsters for what they are.
Violence should never be tolerated. And that is why these Racetracks must shut down. Our society is brimming over in these filthy tides of drugged dogs, beaten dogs, and executed dogs. It is a reflection of how loose and corrupt our "government" actually is.
If we do not put an immediate stop to all this institutional ," money-power grabbing" violence from politicians hand-in-hand with mobsters, we will all be in not only financial ruins( and forever,) but a war zone of the utter depraved.
We need Democrats and Republicans to work together, quickly and without fail.
Courage. Real Strength. True Morals.
Ironicus Maximus , Monday October 5/09
"The Lord Sayeth..."
This explains a lot of the abuse in the government and in the "argument" for Greyhound Racing.
Manipulation of facts and deaths and torture not to mention sheer brutal power, is everything at its "majestic high" reaped from the suffering of people and Greyhounds alike due to Racetracks and those all connected.
(The South being the absolute corrupt core of the "Bible Belt" of religious karate. )
It is one thing to con "thinking" people, but trashing Greyhounds in the name of "God", and through violence, it's enough to leave this country.
Look at Swint's Greenbrier. I swear there is already a conspiracy to sabotage his article. Some weirdo is talking "Bingo"! What a bunch of weak , stupid thieves.
Typical. While Swint is out investigating crooked vets the cowards appear.
"Won't work all you idiots! Swint has a thousand people covering his back!"
B for BOO!
I just got off that blog of Swint's and told the
ONLINE BINGO to disappear. That's how much these crooks "feel" for the Greyhounds. "Old models" would at least "be scrap"!
These criminals are all the same . Hurt, destroy , take what you want, and on to the next scam .
Let's make sure their days are finished.
I bet if you punch in his Online Bingo, Earl Ray's big "round head" will follow you all over the screen!
ERT's "official site"( as in H.U.M.P.T.Y. D.U.M.P.T.Y)
does exactly that!
What a bunch of douchebags.
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