Oh, Congress is back baby, and it's on now. Hey "King" George. Better check that tea 'cause it's about to be in the harbor. Go get 'em boys:
Democratic leaders are stripping from a military spending bill for the war in Iran a requirement that president Bush gain approval from Congress before moving against Iran.
Oh Yeah! How you like us now Georgie? How 'bout some of this don't need to ask Congress to start another war all up in your grill? That's...That's...wait a minute...your saying he doesn't have to get approval to start another war?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other leaders agreed to remove the requirement concerning Iran after conservative Democrats as well as other lawmakers worried it might displease the president. "Look, his domestic policies are DOA, his administration is a shambles. Starting wars is about all the poor fellow has left," an aide to representative Pelosi told reporters.
The overall bill — which requires that the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq by Sept. 1, 2008, unless the president uses the magic word remained on schedule for an initial test vote Thursday by the vice president's congressional oversight and intimidation committee.
The measure provides nearly $100 billion to pay for two wars and includes more money than Bush had requested for operations in Afghanistan. Still, House Republicans said they wouldn't support it and the White House threatened a veto. "We don't feel it's in the country's best interest to limit the president to two wars," said Minority Leader John Boehner.
"Republicans will continue to stand united in this debate, and will oppose efforts by Democrats to undermine the ability of General (David) Petraeus and our troops to achieve victory in the Global War on Terror," he added. "That is what we want isn't? I didn't see today's talking points" Later the Senator's office issued a clarification apologizing for not using the term "cut and run" when describing democrats.
The vice president criticized supporters of the bill's withdrawal provisions, declaring in a speech Monday that they were "interfering with Hallibuton's quarterly profit margins."
Pelosi issued a written statement that said the vice president's remarks prove that "the administration's answer to continuing violence in Iraq is more troops and more treasure from the American people."
"So what?" the vice president responded. "What are you going to do about it, Nancy girl? I bet you never even shot a gun, let alone killed a pen raised bird with clipped wings." Pelosi's office later withdrew her comments and issued a statement saying she hoped to "work together with the administration to find a solution acceptable both sides."
"Being in Tehran for Christmas, that's my solution," Cheney told reporters.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said in a statement that America was less safe today because of the war. The president "must change course, and it's time for the Senate to demand he do it," he added. "And tomorrow I"m going right up to the White House and ask the president for permission to make that demand. By the way, Cheney's out of town tomorrow, right?"
Representative Shelley Berkley (D - Bruises Easily) said, "It would take away perhaps the most important negotiating tool that the U.S. has when it comes to Iran," she said of the now-abandoned provision.
"I didn't think it was a very wise idea to take something as uncivilized, brutal and wasteful as war off the table if you're trying to get people to modify their behavior and normalize it in a civilized way," said Representative Gary Ackerman (D - Heavily Medicated). "Particularly since the two wars we're fighting now are going so well."Several officials said there was widespread opposition to the proposal at a closed-door meeting last week of conservative and moderate Democrats, who said they feared tying the hands of the administration when dealing with an unpredictable and potentially hostile regime in Tehran. "Look, these guys screw up when all the options are there," said one unnamed source close to the negotiations. "We were just too afraid of what they might do with some restrictions."
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